Cerezas, Temporada 2022/2023: Un Cierre Auspicioso

Después de un inicio complejo, y las dificultades logísticas; se presentó un cierre con aspectos bastante auspiciosos para la temporada 2023- 2024. Hoy con una COVID19 que ha sido declarado como pandemia finalizada, esperamos que la temporada que viene retome la «normalidad»

Chilean table grape exports expected to decrease by 13.2% this season

The latest estimate from the Table Grape Committee of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX) BB #:156234, the sixth of the season, projects exports to reach 64,518,065 boxes, reflecting a decrease of 13.2 percent compared to the previous season and a decrease of 4 percent in relation to the fifth estimate made less than a month ago.

Agronometrics in Charts: Peru Awaits Another Promising Blueberry Season

In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Charts’ series, Sarah Ilyas studies the state of the Peruvian blueberry season. Each week the series looks at a different horticultural commodity, focusing on a specific origin or topic visualizing the market factors that are driving change.